100 Themes Poem: “Maman Marie” in French and English

The 100 themes are back!

As I’m doing this Forty Days of Verse challenge for Lent, I’m finding I need a little extra inspiration to keep up the daily poem habit. So why not combine it with a challenge I’ve already started?

Today’s poem was inspired by the next theme on the list (a long time coming):


The first time I saw this prompt, I knew I wanted to write about the Blessed Mother, and not my own mother (though my mom is awesome) or motherhood in general. Still, I couldn’t think of an approach until this past February, on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. (A famous Marian apparition in France.)

I went to a Latin Mass that day, and for some reason my brain was fixating on the French phrase maman Marie…so I built the rhythm around that line, then built the content around the rhythm. Very different from my usual content-first approach — but you know, all this formal poetic translation is having an effect!

I would also consider this a code-switching or multilingual poem, which I haven’t done in a while. The French refrain is simple and childish, and it switches out Our Lady’s vous for a more rhythm-friendly tu, but … oh, well. ‘Twas a fun exercise.

Audio version included below. (Pardon my pronunciation.)

Maman Marie

Maman Marie
of sacred blue,
I ask for blessings
of holy rue —

Tu pleures, pourquoi?
— Mon coeur, il crie!

Maman Marie
of yellow roses,
I’m weary of riddles
and worldly poses —

Tu pleures, pourquoi?
— Mon coeur, il crie!

Maman Marie
of healing springs
if I can’t speak
then let me sing —

Tu chantes, chérie?
— Mon coeur, il vit…

Your turn.

How would YOU interpret the theme of “mother”?

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