How to Turn One Word Prompts Into Cliche-Busting Poems

Turn One-Word Prompts Into Original Poems

In my earlier post on poem starters, I promised I’d write a second article on handling one word prompts. Well, here I am, being as good as my word. One word prompts abound on the Internet, from my 100 Themes challenge to the Wednesday prompts on Robert Lee Brewer’s Poetic Asides blog. They’re a great challenge because they force you to … Read more…

A Little Beauty for Tonight: Pentecost Sunset

Only a few words with this one. Tonight, after a (stirring!) concert of German and Austrian choral music, I stepped out of the cathedral to see a breathtaking sky-on-fire. How perfect for Pentecost. Here are a few of the photos I took while walking home through downtown Novosibirsk: This is the view that greeted me … Read more…

100 Themes Poem: “In a Field Between Two Suns”

It’s no joke to say that poetry keeps us alive. I suppose you could say the same of any beautiful thing — or, to be more precise, any truly beautiful thing. That could be art, music, Creation, or simply a smile. Beauty is part of what makes life worth living. It can lift the soul and give it … Read more…