“The Lake Isle of Innisfree” and Your Call to a Deeper Life

The Lake Isle of Innisfree and the Call to a Deeper Life

In the dark of the concert hall, as the voices of the chorale floated on air, I closed my eyes and saw myself on a snow-covered hill, trudging up through wilted stalks of tall grass and bare birch trunks. As I neared the summit, I saw in the distance, in a valley, the golden domes … Read more

100 Themes Poem: “Look, My Bones”

Photo credit: jbd30/BigStock.com

Confession time: I’ve been hoarding this one. Long ago I promised to share my 100 Themes poems on this blog, even if they seemed publishable elsewhere. Since then, I’ve held a few back for personal reasons, when it seemed prudent to limit the audience. Other times — like now — I’ve held back because it seemed a … Read more